How to add expires header to images?

Caching with .htaccess and Apache will take your website and your web skills to the next level. This is some technical and advanced methods condensed to simple htaccess code examples for you.

Remove unused CSS

Often we think of using some class or id within a CSS but later on decide not to use them finally. But several times we forget to delete those classes from the CSS file. This may not be a problem for sites where the use of CSS is very less. But this may be accountable for much junk lines within your CSS which are unnecessary and unwanted.

Useful Twitter Tools

Last days Twitter is popular and lots of people use it, but more popular becomes tools what other developers builds to simplify work with this webservice.

Useful CSS3 Tools

CSS3 getting more and more popularity in more and more websites. However, there are still those out there that are holding out on learning it and using it. This is probably due to the fact that it’s not fully supported yet in all browsers.