Textualizer is a lightweight (4kb minified) jQuery plugin for creating good looking effects on text. The plugin accepts any number of sentences (or words) and can rotate them smartly and beautifully.

jQuery Textualizer

Once a sentence is about to rotate with the other one, the letters that will be re-used are kept and move to their new locations with several effects to choose from (






). It is possible to define the duration that each item will be displayed and also the duration of the transitions. Also, functions exist to stop or pause the rotation.

Textualizer has been successfully tested in the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Safari 4+
  • Firefox 3.5+
  • IE 6,7,8,9+
  • Opera 10.6+
  • Mobile Safari (iOS 4+)

Requirements: jQuery

Website: http://kiro.me/textualizer/
Download: http://github.com/krisk/textualizer

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