Here a PHP Class that calculates the size, number of files & folders of a specific directory.

< ?php class Directory_Calculator { var $size_in; var $decimals; function calculate_whole_directory($directory) { if ($handle = opendir($directory)) { $size = 0; $folders = 0; $files = 0; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != “.” && $file != “..”) { if(is_dir($directory.$file)) { $array = $this->calculate_whole_directory($directory.$file.’/’);
$size += $array[‘size’];
$files += $array[‘files’];
$folders += $array[‘folders’];
$size += filesize($directory.$file);


return array(‘size’ => $size, ‘files’ => $files, ‘folders’ => $folders);

function size_calculator($size_in_bytes)
if($this->size_in == ‘B’)
$size = $size_in_bytes;
elseif($this->size_in == ‘KB’)
$size = (($size_in_bytes / 1024));
elseif($this->size_in == ‘MB’)
$size = (($size_in_bytes / 1024) / 1024);
elseif($this->size_in == ‘GB’)
$size = (($size_in_bytes / 1024) / 1024) / 1024;

$size = round($size, $this->decimals);

return $size;

function size($directory)
$array = $this->calculate_whole_directory($directory);
$bytes = $array[‘size’];
$size = $this->size_calculator($bytes);
$files = $array[‘files’];
$folders = $array[‘folders’] – 1; // exclude the main folder

return array(‘size’ => $size,
‘files’ => $files,
‘folders’ => $folders);


Save this bit of code in a file called: directory.class.php

How to use

< ?php include ‘directory.class.php’; /* Path to Directory – IMPORTANT: with ‘/’ at the end */ $directory = ‘/home/’; /* Calculate size in: B (Bytes), KB (Kilobytes), MB (Megabytes), GB (Gigabytes) */ $size_in = ‘MB’; /* Number of decimals to show */ $decimals = 2; $directory_size = new Directory_Calculator; /* Initialize Class */ $directory_size->size_in = $size_in;
$directory_size->decimals = $decimals;

$array = $directory_size->size($directory); // return an array with: size, total files & folders

echo “The directory “.$directory.” has a size of “.$array[‘size’].” “.$size_in.”, “.$array[‘files’].” files & “.$array[‘folders’].” folders.”;


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