Koken is a free and self-hosted CMS (PHP-MySQL) that is focused on building websites where portfolio/gallery is in the core (like designer or photographer sites). The application has a powerful media manager for the images and videos. It allows organizing items as categories, date captured, license and more.

It has a simple and flexible content editor that allows editing with live previews. Also, inserting media, slideshows or social content (like tweets, Flickr, Instagram and Vimeo) is possible.


Koken has a templating engine for building new themes. And, it is currently in beta but will soon have plugins for extending further.

Also, for Adobe Lightroom users, there is a free “ publish services” plugin for easily updating, editing and replacing content.

Requirements: PHP 5.2+, MYSQL 5+Website: http://koken.me/
Download Installer: Koken Installer
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